Mother And Toddler Sitting On The Sofa At Home

5 Commercial HVAC Issues You Should Address in Chambersburg, PA

January 13, 2021

At home, when issues arise with your HVAC system, you’re probably like most people and hope the issue resolves itself. Some business owners do the same thing, but some issues shouldn’t wait any longer. Here are five commercial HVAC issues you should address in Chambersburg, PA before it’s too late.

1. Blocked Vents

Blocked vents obstruct airflow, causing inconsistent heating or cooling. Debris may block the interior of the vent, while a piece of furniture may block its exterior. There’s no point in turning the thermostat higher when something else is the issue.

2. Poor Air Quality

Having good indoor air quality is of the utmost importance when you’re spending most of your time inside. Clogged air filters allow dust or dirt buildup from the filters to break off and circulate through the air.

Clogged air filters also don’t give units the air intake they need to circulate air efficiently, and this can wear down fan motors prematurely.

3. Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is an important component of any HVAC system. Refrigerant leaks cause reduced airflow, an overworked condenser and inefficient heating. Refrigerant leaks are dangerous, causing headaches, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms.

4. Thermostat Issues

Sometimes it isn’t the HVAC system itself that’s the problem but rather the thermostat. If there’s a problem with the thermostat, such as an issue with the wiring or the thermostat not communicating properly with the heating system, then the room temperature may not reach the thermostat setting.

5. Unusual Noises

It’s normal to hear a little bit of noise while the HVAC system operates, such as humming from your outdoor condenser and air moving through the ducts, but some noises mean that it’s time to call a professional. An unusual sound means that a component broke off, there’s something restricting airflow or you have another issue that requires maintenance.

When you have a commercial building, it’s important that both those who work in that space and the people passing through it experience the comfort they deserve. Contact Leckron’s Comfort Solutions today to have our trusted commercial HVAC contractors install, repair or replace your HVAC system before it leaves you in the cold this winter.

Image provided by iStock

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